So many ways to upgrade your heating rely on you having spare cash. We’ve put together this guide to lowering bills for any budget.

With energy bills as high as they are at the moment, it might feel impossible to know where to start to try and save, especially if money is already tight. Sure, improving your insulation is a vital step, but so many options there can set you back hundreds or even thousands of pounds.

To help you find some clarity, we’ve found some key energy saving tips and placed them into three budgets, so there’s ways for any household to save.

Please note that these numbers are based on a semi-detached house. How much you save may change based on your unique circumstances.

I Have £0 To Spare…

Here’s a few basic tricks that anyone can do without spending a single penny.

This may seem obvious, but turning your thermostat down by a single degree could save £100 a year, but it won’t be a significant change in how your home feels. Could you tell the difference between 20°C and 19°C?

If you have children, you’re probably familiar with watching them turn the sink on full blast, or leaving lights on for hours. Teaching them about energy conservation can help them lose these bad habits. Even if you don’t have children, being disciplined and turning off lights and appliances could save more than £100 a year.

I have £50 To Spare

These improvements don’t cost a lot, but they’re a great investment if you have a little extra cash.

Reflective radiator panels are pretty cheap and incredibly easy to fit. They ensure 95% of the energy that comes out the back of your radiator is reflected back into the house. This prevents heat escaping through your walls and can save you £25 a year.

With convectional heating systems (that’s the kind most central heating uses) any draughts in your home can have a massive impact. This cold air can disrupt the hot air you’re trying to make. Draught excluders won’t cost a fortune, but can really help reduce your bills.

Chimneys are a particularly notorious weak spot for draughts. Insulating that against draughts will save you up to £60.

As a caveat, our IR panels aren’t nearly as impacted by draughts as other sources of cold air, because they warm you up directly.

I Have More Than £100 To Spare

With more cash and time to invest in your heating, these upgrades are well worth it. They may take a bit longer to cover their costs, but the peace of mind is well worth it.

Loft insulation is one of the most important forms of insulation, and relatively inexpensive. In any building, heat escapes through upwards, with a quarter of any heat created lost this way in uninsulated homes.

This should cost around £400 to update your loft insulation, but could save around £200 each year. It’s well worth it!

Another way to save is through smart heating, such as through our Wi-Fi panels. This reduces the risk of you leaving your heating running. It also lets you manage individual heaters, ensuring you heat the rooms you’re actually using when you need them.

Call us on 0116 436 2250 to get started. Alternatively, drop us an email at

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